MCP Installation on Windows

MCP Installation on Windows

This PowerShell script installs node.js MCP Servers on Windows, to work around the issues with using nvm and npx. This will work for node.js packages listed on mcp-get.

Basic usage is to open PowerShell, and run the script like below:

.\mcp-install.ps1 @llmindset/mcp-hfspace

Download from here, copy-and-paste from below, or from this gist.

On older versions of PowerShell you may need to run Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process before this script.

Only install MCP Servers from trusted sources. Never add commands to your claude_desktop_config.json file unless you fully understand them.

Note - this doesn’t keep the Package automatically up-to-date. Use npm install –global @packagename to force an update.


Write-Host "Starting installation process for $PackageName..."

# Check Claude Desktop folder
Write-Host "Checking Claude Desktop installation..."
$claudeFolder = Join-Path $env:APPDATA "Claude"
if (-not (Test-Path $claudeFolder)) {
    Write-Host "Claude Desktop is not installed. Please install from"
    exit 1

# Check Node.js version
Write-Host "Checking Node.js version..."
try {
    $nodeVersion = node --version
    if ($nodeVersion -notmatch '^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$') {
        throw "Invalid version format"
    $majorVersion = [int]($nodeVersion.Substring(1).Split('.')[0])
    if ($majorVersion -lt 16) {
        Write-Host "Node.js version 16 or higher is required. Please install from"
        exit 1
} catch {
    Write-Host "Node.js is not installed or not in PATH. Please install from"
    exit 1

# Check if package exists on NPM
Write-Host "Checking if package exists on NPM..."
try {
    $npmViewOutput = npm view $PackageName
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        Write-Host "Package '$PackageName' is not available on NPM. Please verify the package name."
        exit 1
} catch {
    Write-Host "Package '$PackageName' is not available on NPM. Please verify the package name."
    exit 1

# Install package globally
Write-Host "Installing $PackageName globally..."
try {
    npm install -g $PackageName
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        throw "npm install failed"
} catch {
    Write-Host "Failed to install $PackageName. Error: $_"
    exit 1

# Get global package install path
Write-Host "Verifying Node.js global package path..."
try {
    $globalPath = npm root -g
    if (-not (Test-Path $globalPath)) {
        Write-Host "Node.js global package path does not exist. Node.js is not correctly configured."
        exit 1
} catch {
    Write-Host "Failed to get Node.js global package path. Node.js is not correctly configured."
    exit 1

# Get package.json and find entry point
Write-Host "Reading package configuration..."
$packagePath = Join-Path $globalPath $PackageName
$packageJsonPath = Join-Path $packagePath "package.json"
if (-not (Test-Path $packageJsonPath)) {
    Write-Host "package.json not found at: $packageJsonPath"
    exit 1

try {
    $packageJson = Get-Content $packageJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json
    if (-not $packageJson.bin) {
        Write-Host "Package does not have a 'bin' field in package.json"
        exit 1

    # Handle both string and object bin fields
    $binPath = if ($packageJson.bin -is [System.String]) {
    } else {
        $binValues = @($packageJson.bin.PSObject.Properties.Value)
        if ($binValues.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Host "No binary paths found in package.json"
            exit 1
        $binValues[0]  # Take the first binary path

    $entryPoint = Join-Path $packagePath $binPath
    if (-not (Test-Path $entryPoint)) {
        Write-Host "Entry point not found at: $entryPoint"
        exit 1
} catch {
    Write-Host "Failed to read or parse package.json. Error: $_"
    exit 1

# Check/create config file
$configFile = Join-Path $claudeFolder "claude_desktop_config.json"
if (-not (Test-Path $configFile)) {
    Write-Host "Creating Claude Desktop configuration file..."
    $initialConfig = @{
        mcpServers = @{}
    $initialConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $configFile

# Read current config
Write-Host "Updating Claude Desktop configuration..."
try {
    $config = Get-Content $configFile | ConvertFrom-Json
    $serverName = $PackageName.Split('/')[-1]

    # Check if server already exists
    if ($config.mcpServers.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $serverName) {
        Write-Host "Server '$serverName' is already installed in Claude Desktop configuration."
        exit 1

    # Add new server configuration
    $newServer = @{
        command = "node"
        args = @($entryPoint)
    # Convert to JSON, update, and save
    $config.mcpServers | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $serverName -Value $newServer
    $config | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Set-Content $configFile

    Write-Host "Installation complete! Please restart Claude Desktop for changes to take effect."
} catch {
    Write-Host "Failed to update configuration file. Error: $_"
    exit 1